LTS Questions and Answers
- What days do you have Learn to Skate?
Follow the registration link below, do not fill in the form but only scroll and you will see the days available.
- What times do you have Learn to Skate?
Click on the day you are interested in and you will see all class levels and times
- I am a BEGINNER, which level should I register for?
For all BEGINNER first time skaters the following is their level according to age group
- age 4 and under - Trial Lessons must be taken and passed before joining group
- age 5-6 - Tot 1
- age 7-12 - Pre-Alpha 1 (Note: NOT Alpha 1 - that is an advanced class)
- age 13 + - Adult 1
- I have been skating before and am not a beginner, do I still need to register for the first BEGINNER level?
Yes. Each level of skating builds upon the previous level. Even if you can skate very well around the arena, you still need to learn each skill that is taught at each level. You most likely will learn very quickly and be able to move to the next level before the session is over.
- Do you give refunds?
No. We have a strict NO REFUND policy.
- Do you give credits for missed classes?
No. We do not give credits, however we may allow you to make up the missed classes:
Family emergencies, injuries, long term illness with Doctors notes.
- What if I am unable to finish the session due to an injury?
When you are ready to return, you can finish the classes that you missed, but you must have a Doctor's note stating that you are unable to continue classes and you must have a Doctor's note stating that you are able to return to classes.
- Can I skip levels, or can I sign up for any level that I want?
No. You may not move to the next level without passing the previous one. The classes are meant to follow a certain order and skipping a class will be detrimental to your development as a skater.
- I have taken lessons before. Which level should I be in?
Find out your last level of class completed and inform the skating director of your last completed level and how many weeks you took that level for as well as how long it has been since you skated and she will let you know which class you should be in.
- If I am learning quickly and more advanced than the class being taken; do I need to wait the entire session before I can move up?
No. If the coach sees that you are too advanced for the class and ready to move up; they will immediately move you to the appropriate level.
- Do you pro-rate classes if not able to start at the beginning of the season or needing to leave lessons before the session is over?
No. You can make up the missed classes (total of 2) this is included as make-up classes.
- Do you allow make-ups?
Yes, we allow up to 2 make-up classes that must be completed within the session that you enrolled for. Any classes not made up during this time will be forfeited.
- Do I need to make up during the same week that I missed?
No. You can even make-up in advance of the missed class
- Do you give family discounts?
Yes. There is a 10% discount for each family member after the first, however, you must register at the same time to receive the discount. If you register separately then no discount can be applied.
- Is skate rental included?
No. It is not included. We have a skate rental package for $36 which is good for unlimited skate rental during the season that you have signed up for.
- I am thinking of buying skates, but they won't come for a few weeks. What should I do?
When signing up for class, just pay the $6 per week for the weeks that you won't have your own skates. You will need to pay for them at the front desk.
- Are helmets required?
Yes. Everyone below the Beta level and under the age of 18 must wear a helmet.
- Do I have to wear a hockey helmet?
If you are wearing hockey skates, you must wear a hockey helmet with a full cage.
- If I am an adult, do I need to wear a helmet?
If you are over the age of 18 a helmet is not required but very highly recommended, especially if you are below the Beta level.
- I am 16. Do I have to wear a helmet?
Yes. If you are under 18 and under the beta level you must wear a helmet. No exceptions.
- Is public session included with group classes?
No. Publics are not included, however, you may use your skate rental package any time that you come to skate.
- Is there any practice time available?
When available; we offer complimentary practice time on the day of your lesson. Please check the daily public schedule to see what time your practice time is for your lesson day. It will say LTS Practice.
- Can I skate with my family member during their practice time?
Yes. You can pay $5 plus skate rental (if needed) at the front desk and skate with your skater at their LTS practice time. This is for family and close friends only.